Welcome to My Portfolio

Hello, I'm Ibrahim Khan, a passionate web developer with a love for creating beautiful and functional websites.

I specialize in front-end development and enjoy bringing designs to life using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a keen eye for detail and a focus on user experience, I strive to deliver high-quality websites that leave a lasting impression.

VS Code
Python Image


HTML Image


CSS Image


JavaScript Image


Data Handler Project 1

Data Handler

It's a basic Software Created Using JS For Particular Client.

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R9 Developer

R9 Developer's Portfolio

Infinite Programmer Made website For R9 as Thier Personal Portfolio website

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Project 2

Tetris game

This Is Simple Tetris Game Made using Only Python

Downlaod game(PC Player only)
meme generator

Meme Generator

This is TS version Of meme genrator made by Hamza Just Displayed It Here.

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Name: Ibrahim Khan
Email Email: imiibrahim7860@gmail.com